Error in Report Selection

You might get the following error message when printing or sending a ForNAV report:

The SourceExpr for report control ‘ReportForNav_Header’ is not valid. The following error occurred: A call to System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive failed with this message: The value of Seek/OffsetFromEnd parameter is outside of the permitted range. The current value is: -18. The permitted range is: from 0 to 2.147.483.647.

This issue is probably due to an error in the Report Selection – Sales page:

In this example, the user has tried to print a Credit Note with an Email Body Layout Description that does not exist.

You can fix this error by clearing the Use for Email Body check box.

If you want to use e-mail body with a ForNAV Report, we recommend that you follow these guidelines:

Depending on which report you are trying to print, you must make the correction for the relevant Usage (Document Type), for example, Quotes, Orders, Credit Memos, and so on.

Depending on the type of report, we recommend that you also check other relevant document groups, for example, for the Report Selection – Purchases page.


Error message in Danish/på dansk:

SourceExpr for rapportkontrolelementet ‘ReportForNav_Header’ er ikke gyldig. Der opstod følgende fejl: Et kald til System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive mislykkedes med følgende meddelelse: Værdien af Seek/OffsetFromEnd-parameteren er ikke inden for det tilladte interval. Den aktuelle værdi er: -18. Det tilladte interval er: Fra 0 til 2.147.483.647.