Version History

Here you will find the version history of the ForNAV Toolbox:

  • Release of ForNAV 7.4
  • File service file-scanning fix
  • When a table extension is created using the Designer, DataClassification should be CustomerContent
  • PowerShell handlers now support running handler.exe if handler.ps1 is not available
  • Fix for using DEFAULT as local printer name in Direct Print

  • Switches printing to legacy image mode when direct printer name ends with (image)

  • Fixed tax category code IC for ZUGFeRD

  • Support for reading ZUGFeRD 1.0 documents
  • Added Tax category code IC for ZUGFeRD

  • Additional error information when the field service fails

  • Error opening the .fornavdesign file when the default environment did not exist

  • When a singleton JavaScript record had a singleton parent it did not have a value in OnPreReport
  • Support for importing PDFs with XRechnung attachments
  • Direct print optimizations

  • Fix for client print of multiple documents

  • Dates were sometimes formatted in the wrong time zone when generating ZUGFeRD
  • Direct print logs now contain printer driver and resolution information

  • Download app from production tenants did not work if the layout was placed outside the layouts folder

  • Autogen code did not get cleaned up correctly when there was more than one autogen section in the AL-code
  • Error when opening a report from a BC24 production environment

  • ScanDir support for multiple search patterns and regular expressions
  • Support for direct print copy mode to work with printers that report incorrect copy support

  • FieldOptions would not show in the field list or the JavaScript editor when symbols were loaded from a VS code project

  • Check for dataitemId at conversion when a datasetid did not exist
  • Support for Rec.GetOptionValue in the JavaScript editor
  • OnPostDataItem trigger was always run on dataitem without records
  • File service ignores directories with no access

  • PDFs were skipped when the watermark was modified in the first OnAfterGetRecord

  • HTML rendering fix for images with white areas at the bottom
  • Proxy authentication added for report gallery
  • Fix for PDF signing error
  • When a custom report was opened from a layout in BC it was marked as an object and not a layout
  • When copy caption was translated the copy caption would also be printed on the original

  • Better error message when loading master report from Business Central

  • Designer fix that ignores license expiration warning when importing, exporting, and compiling CAL objects via finsql.exe

  • When showoutput was set to false on a data item, too many records were skipped if the next sibling had no records
  • Key fields should not be added to an Excel layout
  • Disable default language and region in OnInitReport

  • Removed the All files option from the Browse Watermark dialog in the Designer
  • Support for BC 24

  • Time zone fix in CurrReport.DotNetFormat

  • When a CaptionML in a label control contained a source expression with reserved HTML characters, the fields in it would not be added to the dataset
  • Now also uses the dataset from the report when converting using the cmdlet and using a patch file

  • Fix of the app.json platform version error when modifying a report from the server and saving it again

  • Watermarks were also printed on append/prepend PDF pages
  • Support for do not translate in CmdLet

  • BLOBs containing a string could be detected as a bitmap
  • Support for subreports
  • When the report service with PrintOnServer and the printer name was not set, it would result in an error

  • Change to the OnInit codegen
  • Import of environment authentication type and credentials in Direct Print configurations

  • Support for X-Rechnung 3.0

  • Username and password authentication fix in the Designer

  • Null exception fix in group totals
  • JavaScript value NaN is now converted to zero

  • Added GlobalIDSchemeIdentifiers.GBI to ZUGFeRD to support Global Business Identifiers in XRechnung / ZUGFeRD

  • FormatRegion is only added for DataItems with Newpageperrecord=true
  • Totals fields could be duplicated if dropped more than once in the Designer

  • When using “c” as a format string, the currency symbol was rendered incorrectly
  • Support for XRechnung 2.3 and 3.0
  • Support for enum ordinal values

  • Division by zero now returns zero in JavaScript

  • Support for namespaces when opening a report from the server
  • AppendPdf pagecount fix
  • Support for systemId in links
  • Support for FormatLanguage

  • Pagecount was not correct when appending PDFs

  • Fix for cross-section boxes when hosted in sections with the Can Grow property
  • Sections with the Can Grow property set to yes use space from headers where the Show Output property is set to false
  • File service ScanDir function can now list shares

  • Fix for compatibility setting in the Designer

  • Grandchild JavaScript records were not added to Excel dataset

  • Tables in table cells were rendered in the wrong position
  • Writing to the Console from the report service was removed to try to prevent the service from freezing

  • Fix for NAV compatibility setting on text objects in the Designer
  • When using the CmdLet with Diff, DPI was not saved

  • Fix for naming document tabs in the Designer
  • Fix for dates where the time zone would cause the dates to be one day wrong
  • When patching a report using the ForNAVCmdLet, only the first patch in the patch file would be used

  • Scaling property of barcodes fixed
  • MICR font issue fixed

  • When creating a new report from the ForNAV reports page, the Designer would save using the Designer settings

  • Support for FieldLookups.EntityText
  • Improved autodetect HTML content

  • Fix for direct print in the DLL version of the Report Pack

  • Support for namespaces in symbol files
  • Fix for strings containing the ~ (tilde) character

  • Designer functionality to update and test custom layouts
  • Fix for default NAV and Business Central compatibility for new reports in the Designer

  • When Showoutput on a data item was evaluated as false, too many rows in the dataset were skipped
  • Compatibility was not set correctly when opening a layout from the Web client

  • Virtual data items were sometimes inserted under the wrong parent
  • Fix for scaling of images in HTML output
  • Fix for calculating the height of HTML content by setting the Can-Grow property
  • Improved tab names in the Designer that help you know which report or layout you are editing

  • Convert RGBA to RGB in HTML to render colors
  • Time fields are formatted as strings when rendered in Excel
  • Support for RegionFormat

  • Fix for columns depending on total fields

  • TotalsCausedBy was not set correctly in the cloud when more than on field changed in a group

  • Fix for error where multiple instances of Direct Print handlers could pick up the same job. Requires app version or newer
  • Fix for rendering images in HTML output
  • Fix for the “Can Grow” feature in HTML output

  • The detect project compatibility when saving from the Designer is now false by default
  • Support for local File Access in Direct Print
  • Ability to restart printing process if drivers are leaking memory

  • The Designer can handle custom font names registered with a line break in the font name registry entry
  • CanShrink on sections did not work with cross section boxes
  • Totals would not be set when converting a classic ForNAV report to cloud

  • Show file names on tabs in the Designer
  • Fallback for field lookup on Sales/Purchase Invoice Header and line when using templates
  • Support for global language in JavaScript

  • Formatting of columns used user-language instead of regional settings

  • Find Business Central on-prem instances created by ServiceTierAdministrator when using the New button in the Designer connection dialog
  • Re-creation of missing data item IDs for AL-reports
  • PaperBin support for Direct print
  • Support for PaperSource in the JavaScript editor
  • Mapping of the field $systemId to systemId to enable use in data item links
  • CurrReport.DotnetFormat did not take the time zone into consideration when formatting a date
  • When formatting a decimal with a format string, Business Central formatting should be used

  • Added ControlName to all controls in the Designer
  • Remove “ShowOutput”,”OnPreDataItemScript” and “OnAfterGetRecordScript” from Excel layouts
  • Fix for null exception when master report is not found
  • Remove the \u200b and \u200b characters in HTML output. These characters are used for smart word wrapping

  • Fix for error when uploading OnPrem .app to universal code installation
  • 7.1.2427

  • Test for interactive printers before printing on server in the report service
  • The Converter reports JavaScript errors when no errors were found
  • JavaScript support for password protection of PDF files

  • Only use custom font for rendering if the font family is not available on the machine

  • Added registry value WordRenderMode to control the Word rendering options

  • Improved formatting of captions and totals when dropping a table on a data item

  • Excel reports did not include script records OnPrem
  • Table style and formatting is reused when using a template
  • Modifying the page extension area from Reporting to another area

  • Handle empty Spreadsheet templates at runtime
  • Get connection information from local service tiers
  • Support for underlined text in Excel and HTML
  • Installer no longer installs the DLL on service tiers with version 22 and later

  • The converter did not handle empty variable declarations correctly when converting to AL
  • When a total field does not contain a number, zero will be returned instead of an error
  • Support for report labels in JavaScript expressions
  • FieldLookups.SystemModifiedByUserName did not perform the lookup in the user table for cloud
  • Compatibility was set incorrectly for universal code
  • Designer support for Business Central 22

  • Detect Microsoft PDF and XPS printers as interactive in Direct Print
  • When trying to install Core on a Business Central 14 with more than one company, the installation would fail

  • Fix for font disposal issue in HTML rendering
  • When renaming a report it could not be opened from the server anymore

  • When printing using “handled by the browser” with UsePrePrinterPaper=true, CurrReport.PrintLogo always returned true
  • Universal code support for RequestPageVariables JavaScript record link
  • Fix for CanGrow in header sections
  • FillTemptable filter fix for OnPrem

  • LockField2Current on JavaScript records

  • The Report OnPrem Service could hang after printing an Excel report
  • Add SaveValues to request page
  • Also added request page when the report was saved for the first time
  • Direct Print client now supports multiple print jobs in a download file

  • Fix versioning of ForNAV Core that would trigger upload of existing version
  • Data item could not be deleted if both an object and a layout was loaded by the Designer
  • ReportForNavOpenDesigner should not be removed for OnPrem
  • Fields from the Content group on the request page were deleted when saving to cloud

  • Fix for preview in browser-based OnPrem versions

  • Fix for DotNet Path in BC21.3

  • Using AppendPdf on Cloud resulted in a Parameter not valid error
  • When uploading an OnPrem extension to cloud, the app is converted from OnPrem to Cloud
  • Autofill on temp JavaScript records OnPrem did not work on some versions of Business Central

  • Fix for out-of-memory error when disposing image data

  • When converting from C/AL to AL, column names with the same name as an AL-function would be camel-case
  • Copies was defined as a string instead of an integer in the editor
  • Field extensions uses a no-break space by default

  • When a date is undefined, the value of the formatted value should always be blank

  • Added scripting property Visible to CurrControl
  • Images did not render if part of a JavaScript expression

  • Remove soft hyphens before rendering HTML and RTF

  • Definition of request page variables in the Designer
  • Using Get or Find on a non-existing JavaScript record would prevent the report from running
  • When printing copies, AddWatermark would not work correctly
  • Request Page Variables can be used to filter JavaScript records
  • IVA instead of VA for ITA VAT translation

  • When a JavaScript record was not found in the database, all filters were cleared

  • SaveAsPdf both saved and printed if a printer was selected in the report selection

  • Performance optimization of images

  • Test RDLC reports for invalid JavaScript
  • Calculated fields could be added more than once on a dataitem
  • Only virtual dataitems can be moved when editing custom layouts
  • The JavaScript function Get is no longer valid in the JavaScript editor

  • Fix for the PDF signature field
  • ITA caption “VA esclusa” instead of “IVA esclusa”
  • Direct Print log error analyzer added

  • Support for email body rendering for C/SIDE reports
  • Support for e-mail print on BC20 & BC21

  • Autopopulate on the Temp table for none-virtual dataitems on cloud gave a “not found” error
  • Fix for cloud group total on decimals
  • Removal of the With function in the Converter did not add double quotes on record names when needed
  • Converter support for the ReportForNav.LoadWatermarkFromSetup parameter to and from cloud
  • Fix for Excel worksheet names longer than 31 characters
  • Autosave JSON layouts, for source control of layouts

  • Support for CurrReport.Watermark.Image.Visible on cloud
  • CurrReport.AddWatermark fix for document reports
  • Excel template added to the gallery

  • Direct Print interface now shows the key description in the list of environments
  • Fix for the file locking problem in client print
  • The Designer scans for custom fonts in HTML
  • HTML content rendering now includes custom fonts in PDF
  • Preview of Excel reports as a modal dialog

  • Final release of ForNAV 7.0
  • Improved memory handling for large extensions
  • Client print can wait for the antivirus to release the .fornavprint file

  • Change user name and password for direct print environments with Windows authentication

  • Master section properties added to the Group-header/-footer
  • Direct Print Service works with invalid host names in SSL certificates
  • Designer setting to control report compatibility is automatically detected when report is saved
  • Detects when SOAP port is open but API Services are not enabled in the service tier configuration

  • FieldLookups.Salesperson_purchaserCaption always returned blank on cloud

  • UserId JavaScript records contain current user if no filters are defined

  • Improved error handling in Direct Print to recover from problems with the RPC service

  • DotNetFormat Regression on Date and Time formatting
  • Improved error message when a direct printer has the same name as a local printer

  • Save-as Word and HTML using a Word layout always saved as PDF OnPrem

  • Support for links in watermarks and HTML content
  • Keep order of selected fields in Fields selection dialog

  • Exception was thrown when previewing an email body layout OnPrem
  • Improved size estimate when rendering HTML to avoid the end of the content being skipped
  • Fix for “Send to PDF” in BC20 on-premise

  • Fix for the error regarding missing ForNav.MixedGraphics.InsertField
  • Fix for Excel export on cloud where decimal point and thousand separator used the wrong country information
  • Fix of BC20 SaveAs null exception
  • JavaScript expression resulting in a Boolean now returns DataType = Boolean
  • Added Rec.GetFilters() to the JavaScript editor
  • New properties: ParentWhere and Populate
  • ReportForNav.AddAdditionalValues was called with the wrong data item ID

  • Fix for Direct Service Print in DLL version

  • When printing to a direct printer PrinterSettings.PrintTo returned ‘PDF’ instead of the printer name

  • Support for multi-tenant on-premises installations in Direct Print

  • Fixes problem where Direct Print service updated printer lists every minute

  • Support for Zebra ZPL print jobs
  • Analyze extension in Designer
  • Support for editable fields in PDF documents
  • Support for PDF signature fields
  • Dates would be formatted using the wrong time zone if a Format String was specified

  • Custom font detection improved

  • Time zone issue when a Column with a date value was formatted
  • Support for multiple instances in Direct Print

  • Layout would not load in the Designer if a cross-section control had invalid start and end sections
  • StandardCaptions.Total was not translated for ESP and FRA

  • Prevents inserting sections on root report

  • Report explorer did not always sort sections in the right order

  • New properties on JavaScript records: Temporary and MaxIteration

  • Fixed version error when saving custom layout opened from the RTC without a developer license

  • Open layout from .fornavlayouts file

  • Support for sorting on JavaScript records
  • When using AppendPdf combined with SetCopies > 0, a blank page would be added at the end
  • When using the FormatDatesWithShortYear property formatting of DateTime columns would result in an error

  • Upgrade to universal code using the Designer extension menu

  • Support for server print using Universal Code
  • Support for receipt printers

  • When the dataitemlink on a JavaScript record is not valid, running the report would throw an error

  • Fix for saving a report as “Microsoft Excel Document (data only)” on Business Central 20. The error would make the service tier hang. This was only the case for reports using the DLL and not Universal Code
  • Fix for version conflict with OpenXml
  • Support for custom URLs in cloud environments when using Direct Print

  • Adding watermarks in the OnAfterGetRecord JavaScript would result in the watermark being printed on the previous page
  • HTTPS support for signal hub in Direct Print
  • The Designer can now update an extension, download source code, and open reports from an extension (PTE/Dev only)
  • Fix of incl/excl VAT text strings
  • Universal code support for server print

  • Get the correct parent language for FRA and CSY

  • When saving to HTML, mail merge would not be performed on HTML strings

  • Improved HTML email body rendering
  • Invalid XML in .docx template would prevent import of custom layouts on BC 18

  • Direct print offline fix for proxies requiring authentication

  • When CurrReport.AddWatermark was set on a single page, the watermark was not cleared on the following pages
  • In the Report Explorer, it is now possible to drag-and-drop data items
  • Improved HTML rendering for email body layouts
  • Support for BC 20 AL syntax

  • Short year formatting property for backward compatibility
  • Support for Append and Prepend PDFs per record
  • Lookup on TotalFields did not include integers
  • 6.3.0

  • BC 20 support

  • Locked on Caption properties were included in CaptionML
  • The XML encoding in the translation cmdlet was not compatible with the xlf formatting of quotes

  • Support for global change of report font

  • Columns from report extensions were not discovered at OnPrem runtime
  • Large custom font could create an out-of-memory error in the Designer
  • Fix for Excel export where place in bottom would reset the vertical output position

  • Line numbers in JavaScript editor
  • New property CurrReport.PrinterSettings.Preview to test for preview mode in code
  • Support for setting Landscape, Duplex & Copies properties in JavaScript
  • Support for CurrReport.NewPage, Skip, Quit and Break in JavaScript
  • Table Prod. Order Line dataitemlink fix

  • New parameters /STARTUPTYPE and /DELAYEDSTART on Direct Print service
  • New parameters /RUNONSTARTUP and /STARTINTERACTIVE on Direct Print UI
  • New parameters /DirPrtSvcReinstall, /DirPrtUIStart, /DirPrtSvcStart, /DirPrtSvcStartupType , /DirPrtSvcDelayedStart, /DirPrtStartInteractive, and /DirPrtRunOnStartup on installer

  • Support for running direct print service in interactive mode

  • Support for calculating sums of fields from JavaScript via new function Rec.FieldExtensions.Field.Sum
  • Line number and position added on JavaScript errors
  • Support for temporary tables in virtual data item
  • Support for PDF Signature

  • New AL-function LoadWatermarkFromSetup
  • New UsePrePrintedPaper property on CurrReport in JavaScript
  • Fix for User Name/Password authentication in direct print service
  • Fix for custom developer ports in the Designer

  • Fix for Designer going back to default developer port 7049 when opening OnPrem reports from a server with a different developer port

  • Rec.FieldOptions returned the wrong value if the underlying type is an enum and the number series was broken
  • When converting report columns, referring to global variables could be replaced by a data item field if the JavaScript name matched

  • Control colors were not rendered correctly when set from JavaScript

  • Empty column property made TXT to AL conversion fail
  • Table Caption was not updated when the statement report changed language
  • Custom Calcfields and DataItemTableViews were not preserved when opening a custom layout

  • Final release of ForNAV 6.2

  • New core version 9 to fix memory stream issue when uploading extensions

  • On-prem print service for ForNAV, RDLC, and Word reports
  • When reconverting a report with unresolved table references, the layout would lose child data items

  • Designer support for Word layouts on-prem
  • Support for the design of email-body layouts from the ForNAV report page
  • Fix for HTML rendering where the last text line did not print on PDF

  • Support for controls in table cells
  • Excel export fix for integers of more than 15 digits

  • Designer can save a layout as JSON
  • Direct print service included
  • Blob type detection was wrong when the blob contained a single OEM char
  • Add-in DLL will detect and use newer versions of itself

  • New Save Custom Layout and Activate menu item in the Designer
  • Save directly to Cloud production environment
  • OnPrem DirectPrint for Word/RDLC print on server

  • Improved filename scanning for custom fonts

  • Fix for rendering PDF documents with rotation set to 90 degrees and the use of the force landscape property

  • Fixes problem with master sections on NAV 2013 and 2013 R2
  • Fix of reports converted with Txt2Al

  • When a JavaScript record had a Link Reference, but no Link, the record would not be found

  • Support for on-premise multi-tenancy

  • Local print OnPrem for RDLC and Word reports
  • Loading a report with duplicate method names would result in an error
  • Stack overflow when having recursive AL-calls fixed

  • On cloud, when Show output evaluated to false on a data item, the last record was not skipped
  • Removal of soft hyphens in Expression Format captions

  • On cloud, the service would fail if the dataset had rows which did not exist in the layout
  • Improved Microsoft Word export

  • Soft-hyphen word-wrapping fix where the hyphen was shown before a colon. Colon and semicolon were added to the list of special characters

  • Fix HTML and RTF rendering problem where the content was cut in the height

  • Switch back to use Windows Meta Files (WMF) for barcode rendering to support low DPI devices, such as matrix printers

  • New JavaScript functions Rec.GetSalutation and CurrReport.ExpressionFormat

  • Removal of Linestart pragmas in BC14 txt files

  • When reconverting txt files national chars would be mapped incorrectly

  • Support for Excel SaveAs dataset for cloud

  • Fix for black boxes caused by hairline (zero width) borders after Windows Update from October 12 2021

  • CSY Translations
  • Support for Excel Dataset and Word layouts OnPrem
  • The data contract was not added when saving an RDLC custom layout

  • Runtime Business Central 19 compatibility
  • Fix for duplicate column problem when saving reports from the Designer

  • Support for Dark Mode in the JavaScript editor
  • Create Business Central 19 AL projects from the Designer setting resourceExposurePolicy in the app.json

  • Rec.FieldExtensions.Address.FormatAddress did not work on Cloud
  • Support for lookup of CurrencySymbol and CurrencyDescription in G/L Setup when Currency Code is blank
  • Conversion with With removal would not work if a page reference in a page extension did not exist
  • Filters in DataItemTableView should not be quoted
  • Intellisense for GetCaption

  • Improved custom font file name resolution

  • Legal cond. and payment note translation tables were swapped OnPrem
  • Address formatting now skips values with spaces or other whitespace characters
  • Add #pragma to avoid warnings in both cloud and on-prem reports for Business Central 17 and later
  • Fixes Designer error “An item with the same key has already been added” when adding a dependency

  • Final release of ForNAV 6.1
  • Updated EULA
  • Installer fix so that the JavaScript editor folder is not removed if it is not included with the selected installer components
  • Installer fix for race condition in deployment

  • #pragma disable warnings added to report AL files for cloud to avoid irrelevant warnings
  • Reduced memory consumption when reading symbol files to avoid OutOfMemory error

  • Conversion from txt to AL would fail if the txt file contained invalid label constants

  • Duplicate columns could occur when converting from classic to AL OnPrem
  • Mitigation of PrintLogo() and GetLegalConditions() errors
  • Designer can create a new extension project folder based on current connection settings

  • Field references were not added for CaptionML merge fields in label control
  • Save As remembers last file name

  • New Microsoft Word rendering engine
  • Improved HTML output for emails

  • ARM64 processor architecture allowed in installer but not officially supported

  • Fix for assembly conflict error related to the DrawPageContent error

  • DLL/Assembly version is updated in the version list on C/SIDE reports in the object list
  • Fix for actions in Subforms
  • OnPrem Report Pack 6.1 generation

  • Converting with With removal would fail for Menu suite txt objects
  • Fix for target version when saving extensions to Business Central 16
  • Removed upgrade warning when loading Microsoft Word layouts
  • Fix for default Designer backup location
  • Detection of missing finsql.exe in RTC folder when saving text objects

  • When a custom layout was opened from the Designer, virtual dataitems were not included
  • Group totals sometimes got triggered OnCloud when the group total field was not changed
  • Loading a layout with a virtual dataitem from the Designer would not position the dataitem correctly

  • New function CurrReport.PrintLogo(UsePrePrintedPaper)
  • Adding JavaScript functions automatically to OnPreReportScript if not defined
  • Diff/Patch did not work for .al files in cmdlet
  • Polish translation of standard captions

  • New function CurrReport.FIK
  • Error message when RDLC layout is empty
  • JavaScript SetFilter did not work for blank
  • Duplicate columns could occur when saving a cloud report
  • Improved error message when a master report does not exist

  • Fix for scaling of barcodes

  • Fix for RDL schema version when opening layouts from C/SIDE using View Layout

  • ForeColor did not work on Shapes

  • When converting to cloud the conversion results in an error if CurrReport.PageNo is used in AL-triggers or total variables are assigned in Footer sections
  • Added HasValue to FieldExtensions
  • Added address formatting to field extensions (FieldExtensions.Address.FormatAddress)
  • Support for logo images in barcodes

  • Render HTML as vectors in PDF
  • Support for PDF images in Excel export
  • Fix for watermarks in reports using landscape printing
  • Fix for Designer error referring to illegal characters in path

  • JavaScript records with record links now get cleared completely when the record is not found
  • Fix for merging labels in layout and AL object
  • Fix for Parameter is invalid error introduced in build 2076

  • Support for adding Blob fields to tables and pages
  • When a Blob field from a JavaScript record is added to the report, the field will be added to CalcFields for the record
  • Address support when adding fields to tables
  • When printing a report OnPrem in Business Central 17 and 18, you could get an empty report message

  • When adding a Where clause in the Designer, Const text values should only be quoted if the target is AL-code

  • Support for lookup of ForNAV Setup translations
  • Improved help in JavaScript editor
  • Columns datatype changed to Any
  • JavaScript now includes variables and functions defined in parent constructs

  • New JavaScript editor
  • Fixed saving to HTML after Excel in RTC preview

  • Final release of ForNAV 6.0

  • Improved API, OData, and Development port authentication

  • Support for lists of variables in AL

  • Business Central 18 support
  • PDF/A support
  • When creating OptionMembers in an Option Field, the blank values were skipped

  • Removal of CaptionML for layouts
  • Conversion with with-removal would fail if the txt file contained MenuSuites
  • Wizards for commonly used properties
  • Drag and drop of data items

  • DotNetFormat now returns an empty string if the value is null

  • Support for Custom Address Format in FieldGroups
  • Check for duplicate dataitem and JavaScript record names
  • When creating a Where clause in a DataItemView, const values are now quoted automatically for Text and Code fields
  • Fix for German date format in Excel export

  • Default formatting of Date and Time changed to short versions

  • When printing using Print(printername) the report is printed on the printer

  • When the Send To Email printer was not installed on BC16, an exception occurred in the event log

  • When a report number was used instead of a name, Master Section Lookup failed in the Designer

  • Use Printer selection when printing on Server for BC16+

  • Create new tables from the Designer
  • Feature to rotate a PDF when it is used as an image
  • Fixed service error when adding the same label twice
  • Improved support for custom fonts
  • Support for disabling embedding of fonts in PDF documents

  • When converting RDLC and Word reports from txt to AL the layout file name was sometimes incorrect
  • When formatting addresses, the Country/Region Translation was not used
  • Adding missing dependencies when saving a report
  • When converting RDLC hidden properties with more than one IIF expression, only the first was converted correctly
  • If the ForNAV Report pack was not installed, the event log reported that the codeunit 6189180 was missing

  • Release of ForNAV 5.5

  • Layout could not be opened from a runtime package extension
  • Reset of global total variables in OnAfterGetRecord for BC Cloud

  • Designer makes a backup of uploaded .app and layout files

  • When a layout was opened from the server from the Designer, the dataset was not updated

  • With two fields with the same name, the second could not be found by JavaScript OnPrem

  • When loading a report with an invalid master report name, the Designer would fail to load the report
  • The Designer would not be able to open a layout with invalid column names

  • The Converter now checks for undefined text constants
  • New AL function, LoadWatermark, and JavaScript function, AddWatermark, to specify watermarks per page

  • Support for third-party virtual printers

  • Support for FieldExtensions

  • When the dataset had columns with duplicated source expression, the output was not always correct

  • Detects fonts without advanced Unicode capabilities
  • Localized error message matching to improve connection testing errors
  • Translation of Page was missing for French

  • When the ForNAV translation codeunit was not installed it resulted in an event written to the event log
  • When an Array was used in CreateTotals without indexes, the report threw an exception at runtime
  • Actions in page extension now have the name of the report

  • Fix for Auto Fit when multiline was set to false
  • Support for timezone on DateTime prepared for Report Pack 5.5 on cloud
  • It should not be possible to delete dataitems on custom layouts

  • When a virtual dataitem had siblings, the output was not printed on the correct parent
  • Fix for detecting page type when adding page extensions
  • Fix for changing the report name on a report with page extensions
  • Error about a report being empty on BC17.1

  • The ForNAV Language page allowed translations with different language codes, but with the same languageID

  • The path for layout files was taken from the output path instead of the project root
  • Fixed dependency list for BC17 app.json files

  • Release of ForNAV 5.4
  • Fix for missing Microsoft Base Application dependency

  • When a CreateTotals value contained a fieldname with double quotes, the total would not be calculated for cloud reports
  • An indentation error occurred when converting to AL and a CreateTotals value without trailing semicolon was on the last line of the trigger

  • Empty mediaset was not formatted to an empty string

  • Values could end up being incorrect when using layout custom sorting

  • Support for new properties in xlf-files when running the ForNAV cmdlet

  • Unix-style source files would not be able to load in the Designer
  • Eventlog fix for direct print

  • Fix Report.SaveAs for Word and HTML output formats

  • Avoid “Unable to determine the identity of domain” in ForNAV Cmdlet

  • New image resolution property
  • Fix for duplicate dataitem names
  • Fix for vertical lines shown in Adobe Reader for HTML and RTF content

  • When more than one column had the same source containing an AL-variable expression, totals could be wrong

  • Fix for label with no caption

  • Fix for missing printing system on Docker

  • New JavaScript function, DotNetFormat

  • Error when dataitem IDs had an underscore in the name was fixed on Business Central Cloud
  • New OnPreDataItem AL-trigger for cloud, to control custom sorting
  • When Option fields had the same name across tables, the options would not show correctly in the field list

  • ShowOutput was set incorrectly for cloud when a section had both a Pre- and a Post-section trigger
  • Support for CurrReport.DataItems field list in JavaScript

  • New JavaScript functions, Pdf.Append(blobfield) and Pdf.Prepend(blobfield)
  • AppendPdf did not work on cloud

  • Error when converting to an AL dataitem with the same name could occur on cloud if the original dataitem names only differed in blanks
  • Support for NewPageWithoutTransportTotals() and NewPage() on cloud

  • Support for implicit and explicit WITH statement removal
  • It is now possible to use blob values in JavaScript expressions for cloud
  • Support for arrays in CreateTotals when converting to cloud

  • When the Master Section is reset the section is made modifiable

  • Save Request Page Values property in the Designer
  • Option to change the web browser used for preview in the Designer
  • Warning when opening a report with Master Sections

  • Business Central 16.4 and 16.5 compatibility

  • New report property, FormatUsingReportLanguage, to support local formats

  • When using app files from Business Central 16+ conversion, Enum would not be recognized as Options

  • Fix for paper source selection where custom page sizes reset user selection

  • The Designer can add a report pack dependency to new AL-projects

  • Group totals would not print on cloud under certain conditions
  • Support for app files where the publisher name contains illegal filename characters

  • Update of Norwegian translation

  • Support for NavEvent and Local print

  • When calculated fields were added on a layout, the dataset was rendered twice
  • ShowOutput and NewPageAfterLastRecord were not restored on DataItems when loaded into the Designer

  • Support for direct print in the web client when calling Report.Print with a printer name
  • The Designer no longer overwrites the active custom layout when opening the report object and built-in layout from the server

  • Release of ForNAV 5.2

  • When the Table view was an empty string on Business Central Cloud, the Service would return an error

  • Master report list now filters on ForNAV reports
  • Improved error message when the dataset and the layout is not in sync
  • Filter from the request page was overwritten by the custom data item view
  • Fix for barcodes rendering as “Parameter is not valid” or “A generic error occurred in GDI+”

  • The DataItem table is shown as read only when editing layouts
  • Lookup on MasterReportScript
  • Direct print on page extensions
  • Support for local print

  • When editing data item links with extra whitespace, the link editor did not show the fields correctly

  • Lookup of master sections
  • When opening a report from a file with master sections, it would result in a null exception
  • When a base table got a new number, it would result in an error when converting from text to AL
  • If a master report had stylesheets, the dependent report could not open from the Designer

  • FieldLookup did not look up the table name in translation

  • Symbols for virtual tables were not loaded on Business Central16

  • XmlVersionNo had to be mapped to a new value when converting to AL

  • New calc fields on custom layouts were only calculated on the first record
  • Better detection of UTF8 in Blob
  • Fix for server print from the web client
  • Minor revision is increased when a report extension is updated using the Designer

  • HTML and RTF rendering now ignores multiline and padstring properties

  • Fix for HTML and RTF rendering in caption controls

  • The OnAfterGetRecord JavaScript trigger was called after the page break, resulting in values from the previous record if used on a header

  • Uploading core error handling was improved
  • Improved error message when showMyCode = false

  • Option fields returned an integer instead of a string on Cloud
  • Integer totals would make the service throw
  • The field list was not updated when datatype or optionstring was updated on an extended field
  • Fix for previewing with the correct company
  • Send to mail printer on Business Central 16 (on-premise)
  • CalcFields was not calculated when a new data item was added to a layout on Cloud
  • Preview from the Designer uses port 8080 if Business Central says 48900

  • Supports authentication for OData company lookup in connection dialog

  • Official support for Business Central 16

  • Table & Page Extensions

  • Word wrap of texts in Labels
  • The Converter now handles subdirectories
  • Layouts are always placed in the root

  • Extending pages with more properties
  • Allowing assignment of field values in JavaScript
  • Adding more than one page extension and reusing the page extension #

  • Fields from Table extensions not added when using app files for symbol information

  • Reports inherit ScriptRecords from master reports
  • Total and calc fields are now also added in custom layouts
  • The report title in the Designer shows LAYOUT or OBJECT

  • [Scope(‘Internal’)] is removed when converting to AL
  • The Connection dialog remembers port settings when changing the server, instance, and company name

  • The Converter stopped when converting to AL and a page or table was defined twice with different IDs – but with the same name

  • Sorting in custom layouts / on Cloud
  • DataItemLinks and calcfields on records

  • AdditionalSearchTermsML is now recognized as a multilanguage property
  • Fix for field options named Item

  • Release of ForNAV 5.1

  • When using a format string on cloud, the Decimal, Time and Date formatting now uses Global language, such as OnPrem

  • Landscape was not taken into consideration when calculating the cangrow property
  • The Parent Header with PrintOnEverypage was not always printed when the first record of a child was printed on a new page
  • Duplicate headers with PrintOnEverypage were printed if the first header of a data item caused a page break

  • TotalFields can now be modified in layout without changing the AL code
  • More translation tables added to FieldLookups (Payment Method, and so on…)

  • New JavaScript function, CurrReport.Translate, using the translation app
  • Translation app support for CurrReport.StandardCaptions
  • ShowOutput/Break on data items
  • FieldOptions added to the Designer
  • Designer always opens the layout when called from the request page
  • Zero width spaces added to soft hyphen code to allow break indication without hyphens

  • Support for adding data items without changing AL code
  • Support for the ‘DO NOT TRANSLATE’ comment in XLF files

  • Introduction to the Start Page in the Designer
  • Fix for the guest sign-in on cloud

  • Support for the translations app OnPrem
  • Possible to load custom layouts from the server
  • NavCompatibility is now mandatory when using the Invoke-ReportsForNavConvert cmdlet
  • Better error messaging in the Translate cmdlet
  • The field name was not quoted in the where clause data item table view

  • DateTime values in JavaScript are now formatted in local time instead of UTC
  • Support for BLOB in textboxes in the Cloud Service
  • Encoding of country name in the Cloud Service to allow names with special characters

  • Fix to the problem where saving some AL files freezes the Designer
  • Scans app.json to determine which .app files to use from the extension folder

  • New JavaScript function string PaymentId(int IKCardType,string Number) to use with FIK code generation
  • Runtime error in OnPrint when ARBG colors were passed with fewer than four values

  • When reconverting a report, CaptionML was taken from the layout instead of the dataset
  • Using 0D (zero) dates in a JavaScript expression running Business Central cloud now returns null

  • Quotes were missing in the table view when inserting a new SalesHeader Dataitem

  • Support for Next Extension Object ID in the Converter

  • UseForNavControlNames is set to false for objects with a baseline object when converting from txt to AL

  • When converting from txt to AL, the converter now changes the YYYYDDMM date constant to YYYYMMDD format

  • Upload of DLL to service tier

  • Quotes on autocalc field were missing when dragging/dropping a flow field in the report
  • Factboxes and repeaters are now named control if they do not have a name when converting pages from txt to AL
  • The translation cmdlet lacked ESP
  • HTML rendering problem was fixed with CanGrow property

  • The ImportTranslationFromExcelToXlf cmdlet did not work when the source xlf file did not have target tags
  • The AL codegen sometimes skipped an end; in triggers
  • Automatically added the report pack as dependency when the source refers to a codeunit prefixed with ForNAV

  • If an app file contained a field with DecimalPlaces set to blank, the txt2al conversion would fail
  • Username/password authentication did not work when calling SOAP functions

  • When a group total field was quoted, group totals did not work on cloud
  • Formatting of JavaScript decimal values did not always use the right decimal separator

  • Watermark was sometimes not written in Copyloop scenarios

  • An .al file was created even though no delta was detected when converted from txt

  • When Print is selected from the request page the output is printed to the printer selected in the Printer Selection table

  • Rectangles with borders are now converted to Shapes when converting from RDLC

  • Conversion of an AL report when opened from the Designer lost its DataItem triggers

  • Report.GetLanguage call changed to GetLanguageIdOrDefault
  • DataItemId was not assigned when converting from AL RDLC reports

  • When using OData V4 on NAV the Converter would hang
  • Regression when starting the Designer from the web request page OnPrem

  • First version 5

  • In Business Central 15, Actions can have overlapping IDs
  • When reconverting AL reports, the DLL version was not updated

  • Fallback if the ReportForNavId column has been deleted on a DataItem

  • Better error handling when ShowMyCode=false

  • NAV compatibility moved from the Designer setting to a report property
  • Business Central 15 and Autoformat support
  • Translation of true/false in service
  • Yes/No captions added for cloud
  • New NewPageAfterLastRecord property on DataItems
  • Add core dependency to Report Pack for Business Central 15
  • Change numbers to names on event subscribers
  • Installer scans registry for installed service instances
  • Fix for default font on reports

  • When Labels did not have a CaptionML, the import failed with a ~Xtra#NULL value
  • Language was not set correctly in the cloud report pack

  • Support for more custom fonts

  • Performance improvement for rendering Rich Text and HTML data
  • The Designer could not open a report if a referenced table did not exist

  • Only keys containing base fields will be excluded when converting tableextension from txt to AL

  • New report properties UsageCategory, ExtendPage, CaptionML & Dependencies
  • An RDLC textbox referencing itself caused an infinite loop
  • Support for binary DataMatrix barcodes
  • Automatic retry when the MS OData webservice is throttled

  • When indexing a record in a CreateTotal, the index was not included in the OnTotals event code
  • A blank page was printed when using AppendToPdf and printing to PDF

  • Fix for quoting field names in the table link
  • Fix for handling the Vietnamese language

  • Fix for embedding fonts in layouts where font names are registered without spaces
  • Fix for the Converter where the object delta assumed old values when left blank
  • LanguageId was not reflected when using standard captions in the Business Central cloud
  • JavaScript maximum statements set to prevent infinite loops
  • Local variables on section trigger were not preserved when converting to AL
  • When converting a rectangle in a rectangle in an RDLC report, the controls in the inner rectangle did not get the correct offset

  • Fix for reports with a zero value in a section height

  • The DataItem link form was fixed. Tables were swapped

  • When converting from RDLC, header and footer sections were not always placed under the right data item

  • The combination of NewPagePerRecord and a footer with PrintOnEveryPage=false caused the footer to be printed on a new page

  • Naming of AL files adheres to best practices for AL

  • Control of formatstring in OnPrint

  • The new JavaScript function, CurrReport.No + CurrReport.Name, returned the Global language Id Caption and not the name

  • Support for advanced printer settings

  • Fix for conversion of delta files

  • Support for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central spring release RTM
  • Support for formatting employee addresses
  • Support for changing fonts on barcodes
  • Fixed PDF watermark and image scaling on Azure service tiers and other service tiers without a monitor

  • Watermarks were sometimes not printed when a page range was specified
  • Text on a PDF when GDI mode was selected was not shown

  • OData fix for Windows authentication across domains

  • Support for leading zeros in Excel

  • When a media or media set is empty the report displayed an error instead of a blank image

  • Quotes were missing on AddAfter in page extensions

  • Error when using a web service on a database with more than one company
  • Check for .NET Framework 4.7.2 in the Converter and the Designer

  • CU delta files moved to 70000000
  • Images now works in Excel export
  • When printing from preview sometimes pages one and two would overlap
  • PageElement names removed from page extension
  • Converter support for ProviderId and Target properties

  • New ReportForNav.PrinterSettings.PrintToClientFileName property to change PDF file name

  • Fix for error on 2015/2016 when loading a layout at runtime
  • Experimental support for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central spring release

  • Excel export fix where cell merges could hide data

  • Fix of group totals on Business Central

  • Support for FreezeColumnId and IndentationControls for text to AL conversion
  • Translate functionality in CmdLet
  • GUID constant did not get converted correctly when converting from txt to AL
  • JavaScript Option now returns a string caption
  • New JavaScript function Rec.SetRange(fieldname,from,to)
  • Support for cross-reference tools
  • Experimental installer support for Business Central 140

  • ForNAV released as 4.0
  • Updated EULA

  • Support for Linetype enums + Records does not need to be defined if OnPreReportMasterReport is defined and the record is defined in the master
  • Some jpeg formats were not recognized with the result that the jpeg was printed as blank

  • Improved Excel export performance
  • Save extension projects from the Designer

  • Microsof.NET 4.7.2 used in development tools

  • Integer fields added to the totals field list in the Designer
  • RowOffset was not updated correctly when ShowOutput was false on one or more rows
  • Reports were used as the default when using Save to from the preview dialog

  • Implemented support for infinite and default when converting margins, dimensions and positions

  • Embedding of fonts

  • Cross sections did not terminate correctly when the end section was indented + the regression of print on every page is fixed

  • Customers without a developer license can now design custom layouts with preview functionality

  • Fix for cross section boxes

  • When a master section was referenced more than once in a report the sections were deleted except for the first when opening the designer

  • Fix for OData authentication where the user name contains a domain name
  • Error in group totals when the first record had blank group total field values
  • When sections were starting or ending, a cross box control was deleted and the report crashed when loaded

  • Switched from Microsoft PDF printer to internal rendering

  • When printing to Excel, a new page caused corrupted output
  • NewPagePerRecord could cause missing footers
  • When converting a RDLC report with rectangles in tables, the rectangle did not get converted when the table did not have rows

  • Data Item Link was initialized with empty from and to values when a new integer data item was created
  • FieldLookups were not calculated when the field was a flowfield
  • In some cases, the last line was not printed when CanGrow was set on a textbox

  • Trailing blanks were not underlined, or in a textbox the underline was set

  • When a footer had PlaceInBottom=true and the dataitem it belongs to had no output except for the footer, then the footer could overlap with the section just printed

  • Printer resolution is set to 600 DPI when no valid resolutions are returned by the printer

  • New Users setting the registry control access to the “open designer” option on the report request page

  • ForNAV released as 3.2.

  • Setup Microsoft.NET framework check set to 4.5.
  • Designer and Converter now checks for Microsoft.NET framework 4.7.
  • Designer no longer suggests downgrading report.

  • Fixed problem with space padding of text fields.
  • Stack trace added to error message in OnPreReport.

  • The DataItem Link Editor swapped the Field and reference field.
  • The ForNav CmdLet would fail if the layout was encoded as UTF8.
  • Ability to view a dataset as XML from the Designer introduced.

  • Aligning vertical and middle did not work properly with the CanGrow property on sections.
  • The CanGrow property on a control, combined with a table control with more than one row on the same section, could result in other controls being moved.
  • The Debug.ShowOutput property now includes the value of the key.

  • Custom layouts for master reports did not work.

  • Watermarks were not printed correctly on copies when changed per page.
  • The source expression with a field was not corrected if prefixed with minus.
  • Cross-section boxes from master reports did not get printed.

  • Diff & Patch (comparing two versions of a ForNAV report) supported.

  • Table lookup for Record editor introduced

  • Cross-section controls did not work across data items.

  • The operation parameter changed its name in the OnTotals trigger to avoid a name clash.

  • Support for the CaptionClass property introduced

  • Country table is now only cached on a per report basis. No need to restart the NST when changes are made.
  • New Reset function on records in JavaScript.

  • + PTG runtime captions introduced
  • New OutputName property introduced to set the file name of PDF, Word, and Excel files.

  • Soft hyphens (intelligent word wrapping) introduced.
  • Fixed group totals when a skip is called.

  • ForNAV released as 3.1.

  • The group footers and header were not written if the Skip happened over a change in the group total fields.

  • Sections with the Can grow setting did not overwrite the footer.
  • Setting the background color on a chart prevented the chart from rendering.

  • Report default margins were not correct.
  • The size and position of windows in the Designer are now automatically saved, and restored when the Designer is re-opened.

  • Support for HTML and RTF was added.

  • Fix for the Designer that freezes when setting the table number for data items.

  • Fix for quotes in field lists.

  • Fix for the view layout in the 32-bit Role Tailored Client.

  • Time zone issue caused the CurrReport.Today property to format incorrectly when a format string was present.
  • CurrReport.Time ignored format strings.
  • The AllowScriptError property now also works on ShowOutput expressions, which evaluate as false if there is an error.

  • Print to Excel from preview.
  • Error page did not print.
  • Smart word-wrapping of captions.

  • Fix where default font size 7 was ignored.

  • The format of FieldGroup addresses now relies on the setting in the G/L Setup and Contact Address Format on the record.

  • Margins were not transferred to the client if changed in the code.

  • Fix for the CanGrow text-box feature.

  • ShowOutput also now works for Shapes.
  • The DataItemLink property would not pop up if the DataItemLinkReference was empty.
  • If the DataItemLink property contained a trailing blank, the last parenthesis would show up as part of the field name.

  • New feature to add a comment when converting.
  • BLOBs with text string will now be shown in Excel.
  • Footers with PlaceInBottom=true and PrintOnEveryPage=false, or Footers with PlaceInBottom=true, PrintOnEveryPage=true, and KeepWithNext=false could result in overlapping sections.

  • Fix for paper names in Excel exports.

  • More paper formats supported in Excel exports.

  • New properties: PrintCopiesMethod and DeviceFont.

  • Option values can now be selected in the table view.

  • Support for lookup string in NavTables.

  • Support for printers that cannot print copies.
  • The report caption did not reflect the change of language.
  • New editors for Data item properties.
  • New HasScriptErrors property.

  • Support for View->Layout in NAV 2018 using Report Builder 14.

  • 5106 -> 480 added to dimension table conversion.
  • Chart can now have strings as x-axis.

  • Fix for master sections in 2013.

  • Support for master reports in 2013 / 2013R2.
  • Autofit on rows did not work with Multiline = false.

  • Default encoding of text in BLOB fields was changed from system default locale to Windows codepage 1252 to match work descriptions on sales headers.

  • Support for device fonts.

  • Fix for JavaScript error messages.

  • Improved error messages on script errors.

  • New CanGrow and CanShrink properties on tables, rows and cells.
  • Fix for setting Landscape in AL.

  • Formatting would throw an exception if precision was blank.

  • Added 2018 in version selection.

  • Support for view layout in NAV 2018 and Visual Studio 2017.

  • Optimized performance when the Designer scans add-ins.
  • Fix for bug when report has option variables with option names that resemble type names.
  • New ReportForNav.SetCopyCaptions function

  • Fix for barcodes with transparent background. Transparency is now ignored.
  • Fix for setting text watermarks from AL code.

  • When an option button in a request page had an option string starting and ending with double quotes the string would not convert correctly into an OptionCaptionML.

  • Lookup in CaptionMLs did not include the localizations language.
  • Fix for the Converter when unknown language codes were used in NAV text objects.

  • Support for address name fields that are prefixed with Customer or Vendor. This fixes a problem with the addresses in table 36 and 38.
  • In the Designer, the report field information is updated if you change the Designer setting for table definitions.

  • OEM text string in BLOB fields did not get decoded correctly.
  • Table caching improvements in the Designer.
  • Improvements for the data item table selection dialog.

  • Save to Word in the preview dialog saved to pdf.

  • New Designer dialog for selecting the data item table.

  • Support for visual styles from master section reports.

  • Fix for watermark and trial message position.
  • AutoFormat did not work correctly.

  • New ShowPrintStatus property – converts from classic.

  • When a report with an Image control is converted from classic, the bitmap is embedded in the control if the bitmap path is valid.

  • Barcode orientation did not work.
  • Page numbering did not work correctly when AppendPdf and/or PrependPdf was used.
  • When adding a new record variable to the report, the name is now derived from the name of the table.

  • The generated RDLC now depends on the NAV version.
  • RDLC reports were not converted correctly when SETDATA contained blank values.
  • The About box with license check was added to the preview dialog.

  • Support for Windows 10 update 1709 Fall Creator Edition. Drop-down properties no longer crash the Designer.
  • Optimization of the field list in the Designer so they are only fetched once.

  • Support for NAV server authentication with user name and password in the Designer.

  • Fix for font size in GDI mode. The font size depended on the screen resolution and was hard-coded to 96 DPI.

  • An empty page would be written if a data item required a new page and only had PlaceInBottom footers.
  • Fix for the Export dialog when saving a PDF, Excel, or Word file. Now the filter box is populated.

  • Labels were not parsed in JavaScript expressions.

  • Values different form ENU in CaptionML were not copied when cutting and pasting labels.
  • Improved RDLC conversion.

  • Improved RDLC conversion.

  • Hardware margins were not set to zero when doing a preview.
  • Fix for printing to the default printer from the web client.

  • When the NewPagePerRecord property was set, a new page had to be issued after the last record was printed.

  • When calling Report.RUN or Report.RUNMODAL from the web client, the ForNAV runtime tried to open the report selection dialog on the web-tier.
  • When converting from Date or Time to DateTime, the time was set to local time and not UTC.

  • The invisible separator Unicode character U+2063 is removed from printed text.

  • When CurrReport.Skip was called on the last record, the last group totals on the data item were not written out.
  • Cross-section boxes and lines are now rendered on top of the other controls in a section.

  • A new Procedure prefix in Tenerife could make a conversion fail.
  • When selecting fields for GroupTotals to TotalFields, the Designer would sometimes throw an exception.
  • When converting an RDLC report, the Converter now uses the repeaters in tables to determine the section types.

  • Fix in the Converter for object names ending with spaces.

  • Sparkline control now supports colors.

  • PDF scaling fixed.

  • The Converter can ignore non-report objects.

  • Default value for PrintMaxOncePerPage fixed.

  • PDF watermark is now shown in the watermark editor.
  • Support for NAV Tenerife.

  • Fix of hardware margin when printing to different printers from preview.

  • Better error message when a group total field does not exist.
  • Margins fixed when using Save to Word or PDF from Print preview.

  • FormatAddress now takes Name and Name2 from the root record if they do not exist in the address.
  • New property on barcodes to resize the content.

  • Odd and Even Styles now also work on rows and not only tables.
  • Default value for CanShrink fixed.

  • FormatString is now used for formatting CurrReport.Today and CurrReport.Time.

  • Page counter now also works with “Print Only If Detail”.

  • The Place in bottom setting combined with “Print on Every Page = false” now always results in a page break, even if there is no room for a footer.

  • Printer Tray selection from print dialog fixed.

  • “Classic” watermark sections introduced. Watermark sections are displayed behind other sections.

  • Caption on Print Preview now shows the report caption.
  • Alignment of Barcodes fixed.
  • Convert now transforms Source Expressions from RDLC and Classic reports with fields belonging to dataitems as JavaScript variables instead of columns.

  • The Name property on layout controls can be changed.

  • New JavaScript function Rec.GetOptionValue(Name).
  • Address formatting now uses the Country table Name and Address format if defined.

  • JavaScript function Rec.Get now returns a boolean to test if the call was successful.
  • New function Rec.Caption returns the table caption.
  • Pagenumber was reset to often when ResetPageNumber=true on a dataitem.

  • AL language is now restored in print preview.

  • Better error messages from JavaScript engine.
  • Better error message when master report from a report pack is not found.

  • New ReportForNav.Watermark.Image.Load(MyInStream) function.

  • Zoom image on picture box combined with right or bottom alignment now aligns correctly.

  • New functions in AL for prepending or appending PDF documents to dataitem: ReportForNav.GetDataItem(‘Header’).PrependPdf(stream) and ReportForNav.GetDataItem(‘Header’).AppendPdf(stream).

  • Watermark now works with hardware margins.

  • The converter log can now be copied to the clipboard

  • New JavaScript Record.GetFilter(FieldName) function.
  • CmdLet now supports RemoveMasterReference and MasterReports.

  • In the replace file when the DELETE ID is a Dataitem, the DataItem is now also deleted from the dataset.

  • When converting an RDLC report and the font size is not static, the converter now gives a proper error message.

  • Now Copies are set correctly when the value is set through code.
  • Width property added to TableCell properties.

  • New CmdLet parameters – ExportCaptions and ImportCaptions – to support translation of CaptionMLs in the layout.

  • New AutoFit property on table.
  • FieldLookups.<Table>Caption is now supported.
  • If MasterSection cannot be found it is now possible to open the designer.

  • Barcodes now render as vector graphics.

  • Excel export fixed for DateTime values.
  • Designer preview warning on upgraded reports.

  • Support for paper size in Excel export.

  • New OnPreReportMasterScript property.
  • Modified is set to Yes on reports saved from the designer.

  • Fix for large PDFs in watermarks and pictures.
  • Fix for page numbering.

  • Support for larger embedded PDFs.

  • CaptionML performance improved under conversion.
  • REPLACE in replace file now also works with ForNav reports.
  • It is now possible to set the codepage in the converter.

  • Object delta now works when reconverting.
  • Code39 barcodes now size correctly.
  • New ReportForNav.PrinterSettings.PrintTo property string.
  • Blank pages removed when using Copies on DataItems.
  • Save as XML now uses the dataset like RDLC reports.

  • Preview now shows empty reports as a blank page instead of not showing the preview dialog.
  • Excel error with invalid input format is fixed.

  • Page Range now works when set in the printer dialog.

  • When converting VB script containing the Value and ToString function calls the () is now removed together with the function name + new Helper function ToDate.

  • The conversion works if an RDLC report has SetData calls with spaces before the second parameter.

  • Support for DCBS codepages.

  • Footers with PlaceInBottom were sometimes overwritten by body sections when creating a new report.
  • Drop of textbox and heading and textbox and label gave the wrong control.
  • When running NAV 2017, PDF was shown instead of the Previewer.
  • New: Scroll to next page using the mouse in preview.
  • New: Updated templates for new reports.

  • BLOB fields are added to Calculated Fields when dropped.
  • Label is in bold when dropped as a Heading.
  • ZoomImage is the default on new PictureBox and Image controls.
  • Data Item Table can now also be entered as the table number.

  • DataSet was not flagged before preview from the Designer, if a new data item was added, resulting in a mismatch between the Data Set in the Designer and in C/SIDE. DataItems now automatically get an ID.
  • Gauge value changed to current culture.
  • CurrRepor.Page – returns “ / .
  • New: Support of MediaSet in NAV 2017.

  • Support for conversion of CaptionClass.
  • Support for ShowOutput on Barcode, PictureBox, and Image.
  • Init, Pre and Post statements are inserted correctly when the following line has an out commented: ReportForNav call.
  • Copy and Paste of Sections and disabling paste and drop on Top and Bottom margin.

  • Improved error handling when TotalFields or GroupTotalFields do not exist.
  • Fix for opening RDLC reports with a description from C/SIDE.

  • Support for launching Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 when designing RDLC reports.

  • Support for field numbers in GroupTotal and Total fields and MasterSections.
  • Group Total and Total fields are stored as numbers instead of names.
  • New Master section property and GroupTotalFields and TotalFields support Field numbers as well as Field names.

  • Support for BackColor on controls and grouping on simple lists when converting from RDLC reports.

  • Transport totals was calculated incorrectly when the transport header or footer and the totals on a parent data item was triggered by a child data item.

  • If the Designer is launched from C/SIDE “view layout”, the Field list now reflects what is in the DataSet.
  • If the dimension logic was upgraded before using the Converter to upgrade from Classic, the new logic (SETRANGE) would be removed.
  • When “Keep With Next” = false on a body section, the section would not reserve space to transfooters and footers resulting in overlap with footers with “Place in bottom” = true.
  • Warning about not changing the logic in OnTotals.
  • “Company Information”.SETFILTER(Name,COMPANYNAME) changed to “Company Information”.SETRANGE(Name,COMPANYNAME) in the Report template to support company names with parentheses.
  • Header and Footer was printed out for DataItems with PrintOnlyIfDetails=true when there were no details.
  • GroupHeaders and Footers did not respond to CHANGECOMPANY on the DataItem.

  • Designer can stay in memory, which improves the performance significantly.
  • PrintOnlyIfDetail would not always work when changed in OnAfterGetRecors.
  • CurrReport.Skip and PrintOnlyIfDetail=TRUE would sometimes not print out Group Headers and Footers for the next record when the previous was skipped.
  • When Source Expr on a Gauge was invalid, or did not evaluate into a number, the client would crash.
  • Fixes for saving position of preview dialog on secondary screens.

  • Disables dataset changes in the Designer when report layout is opened from C/SIDE.
  • Prompts for text object file if developer license is missing in the database.

  • Print to Excel fails if the server does not have a default printer specified.
  • Convert: When CREATETOTALS had a parameter belonging to a record which was an array of records, the record variable was left when calculating totals.

  • Support for printing page ranges.
  • Support for changing PrintOnlyIfDetail in OnAfterGetRecord.

  • License check was introduced.
  • Problems with minimizing print preview dialog was fixed.
  • Support for NAV 2017 preview was added.
  • When print only on detail was combined with group headers and group footer sections then the sections were not always printed correctly.

  • Conversion of Tooltips is now included.
  • Support for changing colors and fonts on odd and even rows in tables.
  • Drag and drop of fields in the Designer now supports adding captions automatically.
  • New preview dialog now works from the Designer.

  • Fixes in Excel export.
  • Setting page sizes did not work on some printers. This is now fixed.

  • Multilanguage captions with only one translation becomes the default.
  • Automatic conversion of dimension code.
  • Minimal request page added to reports without a request page to enable designer option.
  • Designer now has an editor to DataItemTableView and other C/SIDE properties.
  • Dataset table added to data items to support charts and sparklines.
  • New property to reset the page number.
  • Index is no longer required for group total.
  • New print preview dialog.
  • Duplex setting from printer dialog is now used.

  • Problem with group totals was fixed.
  • Logging of errors to the event log.
  • Duplicate id’s in text object files was fixed.
  • Issue with time formatting in Excel export fixed.

  • Ability to define data tables on Data Items to support chart and sparkline.
  • New controls: CrossSectionBox, CrossSectionLine, gauge, sparkline and chart.
  • Totals did not get reset after OnPreDataItem.
  • Setting duplex in the printer dialog did not work.
  • Commas in OptionCaptionML did not get pre- and post—fixed by “s at conversion.
  • When using CREATETOTALS, Total fields on the same variables for parent and child data items totals could be wrong.
  • BlankZero did not blank time zero (00:00).

  • New Control: gauge.
  • New Controls: CrossSectionLine og CrossSectionBox.
  • If a Request page exists – but is empty the Converter will fall back to the request form.
  • Report with JavaScript expressions resulting in a number would fail to print to excel.
  • New helper function to enable RDCL conversion: CountRows and CountDisitinct.
  • Labels and column names ending with “Caption” is now supported.
  • Convert converted RDLC “processing only” to ForNAV reports. They should be kept as RDLC reports.
  • When NewPage was called on a OnPostDataItem the page shift was not done on the current Dataitem – but on the next Dataitem.
  • The Designer did not reflect all add/remove dataitems made in C/SIDE.
  • When adding new dataitems in the Designer the order was not respected when writing back the dataset.
  • The DataItem property “Temporary” was added to the Designer.

  • Improved error message when evaluation of Column C/AL source expressions fails.
  • New dataitem property ResetPageNumber sets PageNo to one before OnAfterGetRecord.
  • The property DataItemLink is now split into Sorting, Order and Where.
  • When a calculated field is dragged from the Field List it is automatically added to CalcFields on the DataItem belonging to section it is dropped on.
  • When a calculated field is dragged from the Field List it is automatically added to CalcFields on the DataItem belonging to section it is dropped on. If the section is a TransHeader, TransFooter, GroupHeader, GroupFooter, Header or Footer it will be added to Total Fields as well.
  • Parameters removed from Field List.
  • When converting a RDCL report where SetData refered to a ReportItem instead of directly to a value the GetData expression would not be transformed correctly.
  • When NewPage was called in a section trigger the change to a new page would be postponed until the next OnAfterGetRecord was executed.
  • Improved conversion of Tablix in RDCL reports. Sum’s are automatically added to the “Create Totals” property and identified as footers.
  • When right clicking on a section and clicking on “Change Section to” the type of the section can be changed by selecting the new section type. All properties and the new and the old section types has in common will be copied to the new section.
  • RDLC Tablix rows containing cell with the Sum functions should always be converted to a footer and not a body.
  • RDLC Tablix rows containing cell with the Sum functions should always be converted to a footer and not a body.
  • RDLC textstrings representing true or false (Ex “True”) was not always converted to Boolean values.
  • RDLC Tablix rows containing cell with the Sum functions should always be converted to a footer and not a body.
  • When converting RDLC reports the function Replace threw an error if the from string was empty. We now just return the string unmodified like RDLC.

  • When SetData is called in a RDLC report with the same NewData value, the header will come out empty after conversion.
  • Correct handling of grouptotals when CurrentReport.SKIP is called.
  • Text rendering can be set to use GDI instead of GDI+ to improve compatibility with legacy systems.
  • Disables adding controls on Header and Footer margins in the Designer.
  • Helps the client clean up stale cached DLLs.
  • More image sizing options were added.

  • Support for IncludeCaption on Columns added (For example: If a dataset has column with the Name “ShipToAddress” and the SourceExpr “Ship-to Address” ShipToAddressCaption will return the caption of “Ship-to Address”).
  • The caption of DataSetFieldName has been changed to Source Expression.
  • Alignment of images are now supported.

  • If SetData was called with a GroupNo that already existed, the conversion of the RDLC report would fail.
  • Fixes error when launching Designer on reports with the & character in the object name.
  • If a pagebreak is triggered by a body section the Pre- and Post-Section triggers was both executed before the pagebreak sections (transport footers, footers, headers and transport header) was written out. Now the PostSection trigger is run after the pagebreak sections have been written out like in Classic NAV.
  • (2016-05-09)

  • Design of RDLC reports from C/SIDE can now use Visual Studio 2012 if 2013 is not installed.

  • Fixes for version check of cached client add-ins.

  • Property window in the Designer no longer freezes when navigating with keys.
  • Improved support for OData and company names including URL encoded characters.
  • If controls on a classic reports had code triggers (OnValidate, etc.) the conversion was not done correctly and controls would be skipped and not converted.
  • In previous versions CREATETOTALS which was commented out by // was still included resulting in variables being overwritten at runtime. However, if the CREATETOTALS is comment out by a multiline comment { .. } or made conditional in an IF statement, the totals are always added and has to be commented out by using // instead.
  • Fix for saved window size of the Designer.
  • Text alignment controls in the Designer toolbar are enabled.

    • Minor bug-fixes in Converter, runtime and Designer
    • Built-in expiration extended beyond 2015-12-31
    • Dataset including columns moved from report definition to NAV. This means that the dataset definition now can be edited in C/SIDE
    • Support for DataItem-fields, Today, UserId, CompanyName and in DataSetFieldName on controls without having to define them as columns in the dataset
    • Previous versions of ForNAV reports must be upgraded using the Converter (no need to reconvert the classic reports if you have not changed tablenames (this is not an issue after this update). However, we recommend to update from the classic reports to get better naming of variables in local languages. You should export all ForNAV reports from your NAV 2016 (or 2013/2015) in a txt-file, run the txt-file through the Converter, import the converted txt-file to NAV 2016 (or 2013/2015) and compile the reports (2015-12-30)

    • Fixes bug with caching of empty dataset. (2015-12-23)

    • Second release.
    • Improved preview of the Designer included. (2015-11-10)

    • First release.
    • Preview of the Designer included.