What happens if a customer decides not to renew their yearly enhancement of ForNAV?

If the customer has a ForNAV perpetual license, they will no longer be eligible for any new versions of ForNAV or upgrade to the Cloud, or support on their existing version, nor to purchase any additional users or features to the license. They can continue to use the current ForNAV version they have; however, we no longer guarantee that their current solution will run on future versions or updates of Microsoft Dynamics NAV or Business Central, Windows, SQL Server, or similar.

If the customer is on a ForNAV subscription license and discontinues their renewal, they will no longer be able to run the ForNAV reports. Customers on a ForNAV subscription are required to install a new ForNAV license file every year. If the subscription license has not been canceled, the partner will be invoiced two month prior to the date of renewal, and a new license file will be sent one month prior, after payment has been received.