Author: jr

Unmanaged Azure Active Directory

If your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Cloud solution hosted by Microsoft is authenticated via an unmanaged Azure Active Directory (AAD), then you must change the status to managed. Otherwise, your ForNAV Designer cannot authenticate and get access to the report and fields information in your Business Central Cloud. Most full Business Central Cloud installations

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Characters are shown as square boxes

Some output types, such as PDF or Microsoft Word can sometimes show characters as square boxes or not at all. The reason for this is typically that you are using a font that does not contain the characters that you are trying to display. Especially Asian languages use characters that are unknown to most Windows

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Rotating a text box

The text box and the label controls both have an Angle property that controls the rotation of the control. This means that you can rotate the text in both positive and negative directions. Getting the desired result can be a bit tricky because the way the rotation is shown in the Designer is not the

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Using the Can Grow property

Some of the controls in the ForNAV Designer have a property named Can Grow (CanGrow). This feature can make controls change size to match the content. It is commonly used with the Text Box and Address controls where you normally don’t know the exact size of the content. There are a few tricks you need

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Use the ForNAV designer to work on RDLC reports

If you want to start working with an RDLC report in ForNAV, you can choose from the following different strategies, which all require that you convert your RDLC report to ForNAV. Use the converted layout and move sections that were misplaced during the conversion. The conversion from RDLC to ForNAV is not a 100% conversion

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Multiple Footers

This post will explain how you can have multiple footers, which are shown based on a condition. The required space for each footer in your report is always reserved. This is also the case if your footer is hidden by conditions in your report. However, there is a feature than can help produce reports with

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Installing the Service Tier Add-in

To run the ForNAV reports, you must have the ForNAV DLL on your NAV service tier. The service tier is the machine that runs the NAV server process that users connect to. On a service tier machine, the NAV service is typically installed in your program files folder. The add-in folder is a subdirectory to

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Windows 10 build 1709 Fall Creators Update

When Microsoft released the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update in late 2017, the ForNAV Designer began to freeze occasionally when using the property window. The freeze typically happened when using properties with a drop-down value selector. A fix for this problem was introduced in Reports ForNAV version Keywords: fornav designer, freeze, hangs, crash  

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Upgrading to a new ForNAV version

This will show you how to upgrade your existing ForNAV reports to run on a newer ForNAV version. If you receive a new version for ForNAV, you often want your existing ForNAV reports to run on the new version. This can be done in two different ways depending on how many of your reports you

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Errors and Solutions

This page will list errors seen in past versions and hints on how to fix or work around these problems. Output Shows: The printer name ‘‘ already exists. Please change the name of the printer and try again. Reason: You most likely have a direct printer with the same name as a printer connected to

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