Category: Knowledge Base

Improve Your ForNAV Report Performance

ForNAV reports have a very low memory and CPU usage. Based on feedback from customers and partners, report execution is faster than similar reports in RDLC. There are, however, a few scenarios where performance optimization could be needed. In this article, we cover some common areas where you can improve the performance of your ForNAV

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Direct printing from the Business Central Web Client

This article is relevant for Business Central 14 and 15 Web Client only By default, the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Web Client does not support direct printing from the request page. Instead, it creates a PDF file and brings up a preview window from which the report can be printed. In certain customer scenarios,

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Advanced formatting with ForNAV

When a value from a column or a field is formatted in a ForNAV report, the normal behavior is that it mirrors the internal Microsoft Dynamics NAV/Business Central formatting 1:1.   However, in some cases, you must specify extra information about the formatting to get the desired result:   Microsoft .net formatting The ForNAV textbox

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Error when the ForNAV DLL loads a non-ForNAV layout

An error can occur when the ForNAV DLL loads a non-ForNAV layout. This can happen in the following two scenarios: When a custom layout that is not a ForNAV layout is run from the Custom Report Layout page and is selected in the Report Layout Selection page. When an AL-report source file and its layout

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Set up the ForNAV Converter and the ForNAV Designer

This Knowledge Base article is relevant for ForNAV version and higher. To set up the source for table information, we have added an assist edit button to the ForNAV Converter and the ForNAV Designer setup dialogs:   In the dialog, you can choose the connection type from the drop-down menu and when you have

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Remove report settings (saved filters)

When you upgrade your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Tenant to Business Central 2019 release Wave 2, you might experience that a report saves the wrong design settings, which prevents you from designing ForNAV reports. To resolve this issue, go to Report Settings in Business Central: And then select the reports that you want to

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AutoFormatExpr and AutoFormatType

Since NAV 2015 and later, using AutoFormatExpr and AutoFormatType on report columns has not produced the right results. This is because the functionality in Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central calling AutoFormatTranslate has been partly broken. Because of this, ForNAV now supports calling AutoFormatTranslate and using it to call Format directly by

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Data Matrix Barcodes

Usually, Data Matrix barcodes use character values of up to 128. However, it is possible to create Data Matrix barcodes with values in the full range of 0 to 255. This article describes how. First, you must change the barcode compaction mode to Binary.   When the barcode control is in binary mode, you can

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Unmanaged Azure Active Directory

If your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Cloud solution hosted by Microsoft is authenticated via an unmanaged Azure Active Directory (AAD), then you must change the status to managed. Otherwise, your ForNAV Designer cannot authenticate and get access to the report and fields information in your Business Central Cloud. Most full Business Central Cloud installations

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List of Barcode types supported by the ForNAV Designer

Codabar Code11 Code128 Code39 Code39Extended Code93 Code93Extended CodeMSI DataBar DataMatrix DataMatrixGS1 EAN128 EAN13 EAN8 GS1-128 Industrial2of5 IntelligentMail Interleaved2of5 IFT14 Matrix2of5 PDF417 PostNet QRCode UPCA UPCE0 UPCE1 UPCSupplemental2 UPCSupplemental5

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