Category: Knowledge Base

A call to ForNav.Report.MethodName failed

After upgrading the ForNAV DLL, you may run into an error message similar to this one: A call to ForNav.Report.[method name] failed with this message: The type of one or more arguments does not match the method’s parameter type. The best way to resolve this type of error is to follow the steps described in

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Saving reports in the designer

The designer has three different ways of saving your layout changes. Save Custom Layout in NAV You can use this option if you launched the designer when running a custom layout. This will only save the layout to the NAV database for the current report. None of the dataitems or the report code will be

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License installation

A ForNAV license comes in the form of an MSI package. This package is digitally signed by ForNAV. The license is installed on the NAV service tier. You install it just like any other program. When the MSI package is run, the Windows Installer will add the license to the computer’s registry. This is where

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Troubleshooting Excel Export (before version

If you are on version or newer, you should look here: Troubleshooting Excel export This article outlines what you can do to collect information about debugging. When you get an error during export to Excel, you can collect a temporary file that will help our developers determine the reason behind the error. The temporary

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Image controls

The image controls in reports have a reference to an image file. In classic the reports are processed on the client computer and therefore the file path must point to a file on the local computer. With ForNAV the report is run on the server. This change means that the image file must be on

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Table definitions and the designer

When the designer saves a report, it needs access to table information from the NAV database where the report object is stored. It will use either the OData web service or a text file containing all the exported tables from NAV. The designer can read information about where to get this information in two different

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Cannot load an instance of the following .NET Framework object

W If you happen to run into and error message similar to the one shown below there may be something you can do yourself to fix it. Cannot load an instance of the following .NET Framework object: assembly ForNav.Reports, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5284c1af2984feb0. What does it mean? It means that either the NAV Service Tier or

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System Requirements

Please see Download Toolbox

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Bullzip features in ForNAV reports

When you use the Bullzip PDF Printer on the service tier together with ForNAV reports then you can use a lot of the Bullzip features. ForNAV comes with a built in license for Bullzip. This means that you don’t need a Bullzip license to use it with ForNAV. The extra features can be used when

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PDF/A-1B documents for archiving

When you plan to preserve your PDF documents for a long time, you should create them using the archiving format PDF/A-1. This format makes sure that the PDF contains all the information needed to print it on another system at a later time. Information about colors and fonts are embedded in the document. Using the

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